Even though this country's primary language is English (98%), sometimes I feel like I'm in a very foreign country! Kiwi's have developed their own language for things and no matter how good your English (American or otherwise), you find yourself saying "excuse me? can you repeat that?" Heck, I'm even doing that with my own husband when he comes home from work after being immersed in kiwi-isms all day!
Another common language trait that I think is a reflection of their laid back attitude toward life is the amazing ability to shorten words that don't even need shortening! Kiwis watch "telly" (television), eat "brekkie" (breakfast), wear their "sunnies" (sunglasses), and so on and so forth.
Here are some "kiwi-isms" that have thrown me for a loop... enjoy :)
- Sweet As = That's Great! or very good (ex: Sweet As, Bro!)
- Rattle your dags = hurry up
- Box of fluffies = I feel great
- "The Ditch" = Tasman Sea
- "En Zed" = New Zealand
- Gutted = disappointed
- Jandals = flip flops
- Knackered = exhausted
- Piece of piss = easy
- Sookie bubba = wimp
- Chips = french fries
- Crisps = potato chips
- Cotton = thread
- Shout = pay for (ex: I'll shout you a beer)
- Thread = cotton
- Flag it = can't be bothered
- Slash = urinate
- Sparrow fart = early morning
- Ta = thank you
- Cheers = any kind of welcome or goodbye... no alcohol necessary
- Sauce = ketchup
- Takeaway = to go
- Wop wops = out in the sticks or boonies
- Togs = swimsuit
- Chilly bin = cooler
- Judder bar = speed bump
- Cods Wallop = rubbish, garbage, stupid
- Gobsmacked = flabbergasted
- Dag = comedian
- Flash = fancy
- Silly cow = crazy woman
- Cheerios = cocktail sausages (usually served with "sauce")
- Crayfish = lobster
- Freezing works = meat packing plant
- Tramp = hike
- Weather packed in = bad weather
- Push chair = stroller
- Footpath = sidewalk
- Tea = dinner
- Nappy = diaper (not the expected mid-afternoon siesta)
- Good as gold = all good
- Cot = baby crib
- Handbag = purse
- Purse = wallet
- Bonnet = car hood
- Boot = car trunk
- Windscreen = windshield
- Aluminium = aluminum
- Capsicum = any pepper hot or mild
- She'll be right = it'll be ok (no gender intended)
most of them don't even make sense! Good luck learning everything! -Robin